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Instituto Alberto Einstein


The Upper School section counts with a language curriculum that allows the development of skills through writing, connecting literary text reading with investigative work, through the Method of Teachers College Reading and Writing Project from Columbia University. This method consists in reading and writing texts of their interest, where they can seize the opportunities to share, discuss opinions, and present different viewpoints, through the guidance of a professor and the creativity of students, with observations and the creation of connections through investigation.

During the school year, the students choose books of their individual interest and learn different literary genres, which allows them to be excellent writers and readers. A new experience where professors and students experience a new teaching through different ways. 

Furthermore, they have the opportunity to learn through the Interdisciplinary Project which encourages the development of critical thinking, as well as in the reading program LEV, Reading is Vital.

Additionally, the students from 10th to 12th grade have the opportunity to opt for a variety of online courses, with university credits, through the OSU program (Oregon State University Program). The Seniors also have the opportunity to do internships, or professional practice as part of their studies. 

The Upper School section counts with an Aula Tech, a technological classroom in which 21st Century learning is imparted, implementing educational platforms to create combined approaches of innovative learning, through the use of laptops. 

College Counseling – Counseling Program serves students from 9th to 12th grade, and through CAMP, students with special needs are treated, and COMSANA, the healthy living program is imparted in classes.